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Metanet Techtalk #29

A tale of three forks

In this edition of Metanet Techtalk we will focus on what people don’t seem to understand about Bitcoin: forks and energy efficiency.

  1. Keynote: "A tale of three forks - BTC vs. BCH vs. BSV"
    The history of protocols, tickers and consensus
    by B2029-cofounder Vincent Riddell

  2. Lightning Talk: "Coin Carbon Cap"
    Comparing Energy efficiency of PoW blockchains

19:00 Open doors
20:00 Keynote: "A tale of three forks - BTC vs. BCH vs. BSV"
20:30 Lightning Talk: "Coin Carbon Cap"
20:45 - open end: Drinks, snacks and discussions.

Every 2nd Thursday of the month!

Come and join us to learn about technologies, products, developments and maybe some gossip in the Bitcoin SV economy.

You will:
-get to know interesting people!
-have interesting discussions!
-enjoy the evening, may be even have fun!

Please RSVP here:

February 17

Metanet Techtalk #28

March 24

Meta.Salon Meetup #1