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Metanet Techtalk #35

Issue, manage & trade digital assets with Tokenized

Ekhard Seeßelberg

Tokenized have created a token system to manage digital assets from issuance through trading to redemption. We will take a look how Tokenized works, and what sets it apart from other token systems on Bitcoin.

As you may know, B2029 is all about Bitcoin, and we consider Bitcoin SV being the implementation of Bitcoin.

For those who are interested in learning what Bitcoin SV is all about and what makes it unique, you are invited to join our talk "Introduction to Bitcoin (SV)" before the main talk.

19:00 Open doors
19:30 Talk: Introduction to Bitcoin (SV)
20:00 Talk: Ekhard Seeßelberg “Tokenized - Tokens for the finance world”
20:30 Lightning Talks
20:45 - open end: Drinks, snacks and discussions.

Every 2nd Thursday of the month: Come and join us to learn about technologies, products, developments and maybe some gossip in the Bitcoin SV economy.

You will:
- get to know interesting people!
- have interesting discussions!
- enjoy the evening, may be even have fun!

Please RSVP here:

Snacks and refreshments provided by the Bitcoin Association.

August 11

Metanet Techtalk #34

September 12

Bitcoin for Kids